In Colombia, war is not over yet

Colombian army forces have killed Alfonso Cano, the supreme leader of the FARC, by leading a bombing raid in the south west of the country. He was the leader of the FARC in May 2008 since the death of founder Manuel Marulanda. You can read how here.

For his 3-years-reign, he impulsed a new strategy for his Army, dividing it in several little groups that managed to harm the State forces more efficiently. This strategy is often used by weakened armies, as they are not able any more to build some fortresses. So, hopefully, the fact that this strategy leaded them to kill more soldiers may be the beginning of the end.

The FARC, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, were founded in 1964, and killed many people (although I was unable to fine out how many). They claim to be marxist-leninist but they receive their funds from drug-dealing and use children as soldiers.

We can hope of an ETA-like end, with a political party taking the lead of their fight, without killing any innocent man.

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