Let’s take a look at 2050 Part 1

World in 2050 will no more be. No kidding.

To be honest, I think our projections for the future will be as credible as 1900’s for 2000.

A few ones that made me laugh:

Prediction 4: “Cities, therefore, will be free from all noises”. NOT SOOO MUUUUCH _ CAN YOU STILL HEAR ME?

Prediction 7: “There will be air-ships, but they will not successfully compete with surface cars and water vessels for passenger or freight traffic.” That is true for this poor man from the FedEx movie.

Prediction 11: ” No Mosquitoes nor Flies”. We’re still fighting for our lives against those threats (we had a World War to deal with first, sorry).

Prediction 16: “There will be No C, X or Q in our every-day alphabet.” THANKS FOR MY NAME !

Google Music store is launched!

What’s up in e-commerce? I’m going to talk about Google Music, whose  launch this week is a big issue for all the music websites.

What is the purpose of this website? Google has given us five steps to enjoy their new project.

DISCOVER: the Android Market now works like Itunes, where you can both shop applications and music. As this is their core business, Google will sell “personalized recommendations” with the data Google already has about us.

SHOP: The service is free, there is some free songs (as there is free books) but you will of course have to buy the latest GaGa’s song!

LISTEN: Google’s good point is syncing online with all Google services: you will be able to have, by cloud storing, your music on your computer (a PC, for sure 😉 ) and your Android smartphone. You will listen your files on streaming, which requires an online connection.

ORGANIZE: As your music is kept online, you have no more to be afraid of losing it OH WAIT ! Cloud computing can crash too. So be sure to save it (that would be a 11th rule for this article).

Welcome to E-Communication !

I think we just made a great video ! Thank you all !

Everybody’s doing a brand new post now
Welcome to the e-communication
I know you’ll get to read it if you give it a chance now
Welcome to the e-communication
We have to post a new video every week
A text an audio and don’t forget the links
So welcome welcome to the e-communication

Forget about the three dots
Come on baby
Stop it stop it
If you don’t want Bob to loose it

Now that we have a blog we are stars of the net now
Welcome to the e-communication
Paris Hilton’s sextape is nothing compared to us now
Welcome to the e-communication
Do it fun and punchy now don’t loose your scroll
A little bit of info and a lot of LOL
Welcome welcome to the e-communication

In Colombia, war is not over yet

Colombian army forces have killed Alfonso Cano, the supreme leader of the FARC, by leading a bombing raid in the south west of the country. He was the leader of the FARC in May 2008 since the death of founder Manuel Marulanda. You can read how here.

For his 3-years-reign, he impulsed a new strategy for his Army, dividing it in several little groups that managed to harm the State forces more efficiently. This strategy is often used by weakened armies, as they are not able any more to build some fortresses. So, hopefully, the fact that this strategy leaded them to kill more soldiers may be the beginning of the end.

The FARC, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, were founded in 1964, and killed many people (although I was unable to fine out how many). They claim to be marxist-leninist but they receive their funds from drug-dealing and use children as soldiers.

We can hope of an ETA-like end, with a political party taking the lead of their fight, without killing any innocent man.

Check out my (almost) HD Video Resume !

Hope you liked it ! You can still see my online resume 🙂

10 rules to survive the internet

Today, I’m going to help you with 10 rules you must follow to survive the hard fields you will go through while browsering on the Web.

1. You receive an e-mail from your boss. You have in mind a delicious joke about how dumb he is, and you want to share it with your colleagues. Well, these e-mails are often aimed to many people, including, your boss’s boss, until the CEO. DO NOT PRESS REPLY ALL.

2. You may want to have sexual intercourse with other people. It’s normal. Feel free to have some. But unless you can trust the person, DON’T SEND ANY PICTURES OF YOUR WEE-WEE. You would be forced to do a Bill-Clinton-Apology which would make you look like a fool.

3. Do not feed the trolls.They can harm. I already talked about this issue with the Crying Girl Incident.

4. Always spell-check ! That seems logic, but wait: you’d rather spell-check your spell-checker.

5. Don’t have much money? You might want to download some Disney movies for your kids. They always want some distractions, but be careful of what you’re downloading, because titles on the internet don’t always tell the truth. (check this google search I made for you)

6. You got friends in real life. Or maybe not. Even if you’re as weird as a sad clown, you have facebook friends. Well they are not the most reliable, so don’t shout your feelings publicly, or you will be exposed to web-celebrity.

7. You lucky boy, you have a job! Try not to mess up with your company on the Wild, Wild Web. Your boss will find out eventually.

8. Even now that you have a job, you should not spend too much money on e-shopping websites ! They are so attractive that your next salary would be spent before your boss gives it to you 😉

9. If you want to know the best blog ever, don’t trust google… trust ME.


Is it getting better? Or do you feel the same?

Those lyrics are related to the financial crisis we’re living nowadays.

All the men and women in charge of our poor lives are actually meeting in Cannes, France, for a G20 summit. As the purpose of these meetings was to determine some ways to survive to the oil crisis of the 70’s, we can see the growing importance of such summits as a great thing -countries trying to work together towards a solution- or quite a bad thing -G5, 6, 7,8 then 20 :the old model of few countries dominating the rest of the world being less and less acceptable-. I actually already wrote about the growing power of the BRICS countries in the concert of nations.

The items to discuss at the G20 taking place today are:

  • Boost economic growth
  • Reform the international monetary system
  • Fighting against the volatility of agricultural commodities
  • Regulate Financial Markets
  • Financing for Development Assistance
  • Reforming global governance
But as I read this article from The Guardian ,which would easly be replaced by one and only subject:
  • $$$ vs. €€€ vs. 人民币

Applying for a job: step 1, the online resume !

Here’s a link to my resume on vizualize.me : as I already said in an earlier post , i really like infographics. So I made my resume based on that technology !

Still a Work In Progress though 😉

The critical issue of reliability on Internet

Reliability of news on internet is a long-known issue: as  online news moves really fast and often come from unknown sources, it’s difficult to check whether the story is true or false.

There has been a lot of false death reports published on twitter or facebook since these social networks are more and more popular. Natalie Portman, Britney Spears, George Clooney, or in France Jean-Marie le Pen have suffered the awkward moment when people called their families to pay homage to the dead.

Although, a quick view on wikipedia’s article about false death reports (article that might be discussed on its reliability) shows that many of these misunderstandings come from actual trusted big media like CNN or New York Times. Ernest Hemingway, Harold Pinter, Margaret Thatcher or George W. Bush were the victims of hoaxes, the oldest I could fine being Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English poet who read the news of his death in a newspaper, in 1816 !

Because these anouncements are sometimes a way to make fun of people, I recommend you this website where you can read the death of whoever you want.

Does Arab Spring go with the improvement of democracy?

Since the end of 2010, an incredible hope has risen from Middle East. The first people to fight was the Egyptians, then the revolution spread to all its neighbours: Tunisia, Libya, Syria or Bahreïn.

Many demonstrations have met violent responses from authorities,as well as from pro-government militias and counter-demonstrators.

How has it ended today? Egypt, Tunisia and Libya have overthrown their leaders: Hosni Moubarak is currently under the threat of a law suit although he’s being very ill, Zine Dine ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia (which is today the least democratic state in Middle East according to the Democracy Index published by the Economist, and we all know what happened to Muammar Gaddafi a few days ago (Warning: this article contains graphic images).

Now the question is: what comes after tyranny ?

Democracy is another matter, and needs a long labour in building a sense of citizenship, developing tolerance and respect for law that will be hard to understand for a people who lived so long under a dictatorship. It is quite ironic that dictatorship gives bad habits to its victims that can survive the death of the tyrant and complicate the arrival of a democratic state. The circumstances of Gaddafi’s death remind us of the terrible scenes of epuration in 1944, with France’s liberation.

The adoption of Charia (the islamic law) by the temporary government in Libya is a fact that seems to scare the Occidental chancelleries. No doubt that the first decisions of the new government in Libya will be observed closely by the international community: these decisions may define a new standard of the occidental response to the next revolution in the Middle East.